
A look back at our historic Fundraiser Campaigns and Fund Raising Events

2024 June
Summer Fete

A summer event enjoyed by all on a hot sunny afternoon in the grounds of Ross Community Hospital
Raised in excess of £1100 in 2 hours!

2024 April
Bucket Rattle

£600 was raised at a 'bucket rattle' day
 outside Morrisons Supermarket in Ross-on-Wye

2024 March
Coffee Morning

A fund raising event enjoyed by all
Funds raised in excess of £400

2024 February
Patient Equipement

Friends of Ross Hospital funded the purchased of items
required for patient usage, for example:
  • Drinks Dispenser
  • Patient Locker
  • Dumb Bells (2)
  • Small Pedals (which will aid more able patents)
  • Thera putty (2)
  • Extra Large Word Searches
  • Wipe able pens
  • Box of colouring pencils

2023 Santa Visit

Santa visited Peregrine and Merlin wards at Ross Community hospital on 22nd December to distribute presents to patients. Presents were provided by the Friends of Ross Hospital.

Santa was warmly welcomed by patients, staff and matron, Bethan Webb.

2023 Christmas Fair

Lucy with Santa at the Hospital Christmas Fair